TaiwanICDF International Higher Education
Scholarship Program 2025
由財團法人國際合作發展基金會(ICDF)提供的2025 年度「國際高等人力培訓外籍生獎學金計畫」(ICDF獎學金),自即日起至3月15日止開放申請,歡迎踴躍申請!
ICDF獎學金補助馬來西亞籍學生赴臺修讀特定校系之碩、博士學程 ,計有19所大學,共29項全英語授課學程,詳情請參考「2025 ICDF Application Guidebook 」。
旨揭獎學金相關資料請參考附件,或至ICDF官網(https://www.icdf.org.tw/wSite/np?ctNode=31561&mp=2#aC)。倘有問題,請電郵至駐馬來西亞教育組(teco.education@gmail.com)查詢,聯絡電話為03-2162 3228 / 03-2161 4439 ext 185。
Taiwan International Cooperation and Development Fund (ICDF) Scholarship Program 2025 is now open for application until March 15, 2025.
The scholarship program supports Malaysian students to pursue a specified Master or Doctoral Degree program in 19 Partner Universities of ICDF starting from September 2025. There is a total of 29 study programs available for the scholarship application.
The TaiwanICDF provides each scholarship recipient with a full scholarship, including return airfare, housing, tuition and credit fees, insurance, textbook costs, and a monthly allowance.
Applicants shall apply for the scholarship online before March 15, 2025.
For more information, please refer to the following attachments or the Taiwan ICDF website (https://www.icdf.org.tw/wSite/np?ctNode=31561&mp=2). For scholarships inquiries, please email Education Division at teco.education@gmail.com, or reach us at 03-2162 3228 / 03-2161 4439 ext 185.
線上申請網址/Online Application:
申請資格、申請流程及獎學金相關規定/ Eligibility, Application Procedure, and Regulations:
Application Guidebook