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💜🎼嘉義大學管樂團吉隆坡演出精彩 風格多樣 扣人心弦 🎺❤️Abundance of music! A fabulous joint concert performance from Chiayi University and the Klpac UCSI Youth Band! 🎼

國立嘉義大學管樂團於8月29日晚間與UCSI Outreach Youth Band聯合辦理音樂會,本處葉大使受邀出席聆賞,嘉許樂團的精彩演出,並肯定多樣的選曲及豐富的音樂表現、展現臺灣管樂獨特色彩,是一場兼具國際與本土風情的愉悅音樂饗宴。


出席嘉賓並包括UCSI副校長Prof. Datuk Dr. Rohana Binti Yusof、 嘉義大學陳瑞祥副校長及各藝文界人士等。嘉義大學管樂團於本年8月由林士偉教授帶領,來到馬來西亞執行教育部新南向學海築夢交流計畫,於檳城、太平、怡保、芙蓉及吉隆坡等地進行管樂指導及演出,本次演出為計畫最後一站,獲各界關注與支持。嘉大音樂系管樂團長年活躍於國內的展演舞台,不但與國內各大音樂學系管樂團舉行交流音樂會,更經常與國內外名家合作,在國際舞台上也有亮麗的表現。

The National Chiayi University Department of Music Wind Orchestra performed a joint concert with the Klpac UCSI University Outreach Youth Band on Thursday 29th August 2024. Representative Phoebe Yeh expressed her delight in witnessing Taiwan and Malaysia come together to support talent exchanges. She thanked UCSI University for hosting the National Chiayi University ensemble and for the excellent performance.

The event was graced by the presence of Prof. Datuk Dr. Rohana Binti Yusof, Vice President of UCSI, Prof. Dr. Chen Ruey-Shyang, Vice President of NCYU, and members of various arts and cultural circles. The National Chiayi University Department of Music Wind Orchestra is an active participant in the wind music community in Taiwan, regularly collaborating with other university wind orchestras and renowned musicians locally and internationally. Led by Prof. David Lin, the wind orchestra travelled to Malaysia to carry out various projects for a month, which included visits, exchanges, and performances in Penang, Taiping, Ipoh, Kuala Lumpur, Sembilan, and Selangor.

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