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▍💯📚🧑🏻‍🏫 臺馬合作跨閱4.0 👍推動跨域課程及閱讀實踐❤️ Taiwan-Malaysia Interdisciplinary Reading 4.0 Workshop to Promote Cross-Disciplinary Curriculum and Reading Practice in Schools

本處卜正珉公使於17日受邀出席「跨閱4.0 校本揚帆 深耕素養」研討工作坊,此項活動由本處教育組及董總合作,由波德申中華中學、巴生濱華中學及亞羅士打獨立中學等主協辦,出席貴賓包括董總陳友信主席、波德申中華中學董事會永久名譽顧問拿督斯里李典和、莫泰波董事长、各獨中校長,以及來自臺灣的宋怡慧主任、曾明騰老師、李政憲老師等,活動非常熱烈。




Deputy Representative Mr. James Buu attended the Interdisciplinary Reading 4.0 Workshop on August 17. The event was jointly organized by the TECO Education Division and United Chinese School Committees' Association of Malaysia (Dong Zong), and co-organized by Port Dickson Chung Hua High School, Pin Hwa High School Klang and Keat Hwa High School.

In his speech, Deputy Representative Buu mentioned that Taiwan has been promoting numerous reading programs for the past 20 years, inputting resources in software and hardware facilities, and training many excellent teachers. With the challenges brought by the digital and technological revolution, Taiwan is more committed to promoting students’ abilities from basic reading, long-text reading to multiple-text comprehension and interdisciplinary reading. Through readings, he hoped that students could explore new knowledge and develop their critical thinking, and ability to adapt in society.

He also congratulated the workshop organizing team for entering advanced Interdisciplinary Reading 4.0 and moving towards the goal of deepening competency education. As Taiwan has been one of the best education partners for Malaysia over the years, he wished that both sides could continue deepening the educational cooperation and exchanges in the future, promoting the teaching of interdisciplinary reading in Chinese independent high schools and supporting the development of local Chinese education.

The event attracted the participation of 30 schools and a total of 752 teachers physically and online from Malaysia, Singapore and Taiwan to discuss and exchange the development and practice of teaching interdisciplinary reading, and to cultivate the intelligence and professional skills of teachers.

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